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Schoolmasters Science

Schoolmasters Science

312 products

Showing 241 - 264 of 312 products
Project Planetarium
Project Planetarium

The Project Planetarium is ideal for individual study projects. Causes of 2 day and night, seasonal changes, phases of the moon, and planet locations are easily understood. The small planetarium model and solar system chart, 22"x17", may be set to show actual positions of the earth, the moon and planets at any given time. Each set includes planetarium, chart and study guide.

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$19.99 Each
Copernican System Model
Copernican System Model

Features all 10 planetary orbits. The motions of the planets, their relative sizes and distances from one another are illustrated in this attractive model. This model enables the student to "see" and "feel" what the Solar System looks like. The student will be able to visualize the physical relationships between the planets and the sun, and realize a better understanding of the various motions of the planets. When used with Ptolemaic System, all the problems of the real and apparent motions become clear. Stainless steel arms. Instruction book, ?Worlds in Motion," is included.
Features all 10 planetary orbits. The motions of the planets, their relative sizes and distances from one another are illustrated in this attractive model. This model enables the student to "see" and "feel" what the Solar System looks like. The student will be able to visualize the physical relationships between the planets and the sun, and realize a better understanding of the various motions of the planets. When used with Ptolemaic System, all the problems of the real and apparent motions become clear. Stainless steel arms. Instruction book, ?Worlds in Motion," is included.

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$124.95 Each
Solar System Simulator
Solar System Simulator

This three dimensional model of the sun and planets teaches planet identification, sizes, distance and color. The planets may be set by month to show relative positions. A sturdy base supports the 6" diameter sun with the outer planet 18" from the sun. Illustrated Study Guide includes position table. Lesson Plan facilitates explanation of orbit and speed. 12" x 22" x 8".

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$99.00 Each
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Lunar Phase Box
Lunar Phase Box

Look in the box and see the lunar phases in three dimensions! Each hole shows a different lunar phase! Comes with 5 stickers, full moon, new moon, waning moon, crescent moon, and quarter moon. 7.5" x 7.5" x 3.1".

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$6 Each $9.95 Each
Star Finder
Star Finder

Gives star positions for any date. Shows constellations, stars to 5th magnitude, nebula, Milky Way and the ecliptic. Major stars luminous for outdoor use. Has instructions, planet positions and Zodiac dial on reverse.

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$4.50 Each
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Star ChartsStar Charts
Star Charts

Reversible Northern and Southern Skies. Printed in 2 colors. Compare night skies from the northern and southern hemispheres with royal blue star chart. Constructed of strong, plasticized material, this chart highlights constellations, stars, nebulae and the milky way. Chart can be rotated to reflect any date of observation. Dry erasable. Measures 44" length by 44" width. For grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.

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$38 Each $57.50 Each
Glycerol, lab grade - 500ml
Glycerol, lab grade - 500ml

Also called glycerin or glycerine, Glycerol is both a colorless and odorless liquid, that is fairly viscous. It is a simple polyol compound, with a triglyceride backbone and 3 hydroxyl groups.

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$15.35 Each
Cobalt chloride, lab grade, crystal - 100g
Cobalt chloride, lab grade, crystal - 100g

Cobalt chloride crystals are commonly used in classrooms for chemistry experiments and demonstrations, primarily to study chemical properties and investigate reactions involving moisture and hydration. The most notable uses include:

  1. Indicator for Humidity and Hydration: Cobalt chloride is a popular indicator for moisture because it changes color based on its hydration state. In its anhydrous form, cobalt chloride is blue, and it turns pink when it absorbs water. This property makes it ideal for demonstrating reversible chemical changes and teaching about hydration and dehydration reactions.

  2. Le Chatelier’s Principle Demonstrations: Cobalt chloride can be used to illustrate Le Chatelier's Principle. By adding water or applying heat to the crystal, students can observe the reversible color change, demonstrating shifts in equilibrium due to changes in temperature or the presence of a reactant.

  3. Testing for Water Presence: Cobalt chloride paper, which is made using the crystals, is used in chemistry and environmental science labs to detect water vapor in various gases or liquids.

Due to its potential toxicity and the fact that it can cause skin irritation, cobalt chloride should be handled with proper safety measures, including wearing gloves and protective eyewear.

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$40.50 Each
Sodium acetate, lab grade, anhydrous, powder - 500g
Sodium acetate, lab grade, anhydrous, powder - 500g

Sodium acetate, lab grade, anhydrous, powder - 500g.

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$15.25 Each
Silver nitrate solution, 0.1 normal - 500ml
Silver nitrate solution, 0.1 normal - 500ml

Silver nitrate solution (0.1 normal) is used in classrooms for various chemistry experiments, particularly for demonstrating precipitation reactions and studying properties of silver ions. It is commonly used in:

  1. Precipitation Reactions: When silver nitrate is mixed with solutions containing chloride ions (e.g., sodium chloride), it forms a white precipitate of silver chloride. This reaction is useful for teaching concepts like solubility rules and ionic equations.

  2. Halide Testing: It can be used to identify halides (chloride, bromide, and iodide ions) in solutions, as each halide forms a distinct precipitate color (white, cream, or yellow) with silver nitrate.

  3. Titration Experiments: In analytical chemistry, a 0.1N silver nitrate solution can be used for Argentometric titrations, such as the Mohr method, to determine the concentration of chloride in a sample.

  4. Biological Staining and Antimicrobial Studies: In some biology classes, silver nitrate is used for staining, and its antimicrobial properties can be demonstrated to show how it affects microbial growth.

Because silver nitrate can stain skin and other materials, safety precautions such as gloves and goggles should be used when handling it.

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$41.50 Each
Congo red, indicator solution, 0.1% - 100ml
Zinc metal, lab grade, mossy - 500g
Potassium Chloride, lab grade, crystal - 500g
Limewater solution - 4 liters
Limewater solution - 4 liters

Limewater solution is commonly used for testing the presence of carbon dioxide in gaseous samples in school laboratories, and refining of sugar in a process called carbonatation. 4 liters.

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$16.50 Each
Limewater solution - 1 liter
Limewater solution - 1 liter

Limewater solution is commonly used for testing the presence of carbon dioxide in gaseous samples in school laboratories, and refining of sugar in a process called carbonatation. 1 liter.

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$9.05 Each
Iron filings, fine - 500g
Iron filings, fine - 500g

Iron Metal Filings Fine 500 Gram

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$7.75 Each
Methylene blue solution, 1% - 100ml
2,6-Dichloroindophenol Sodium salt (indophenol), reagent - 1g
2,6-Dichloroindophenol Sodium salt (indophenol), reagent - 1g

2,6-Dichloroindophenol Sodium salt (indophenol), reagent - 1g

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$22.95 Each
Calcium Sulfate (plaster of paris), powder - 2.5kg
Buffer Solution, red, ph 4.01 - 500ml
5-Amino-2,3-dihydro-1, 4-phthalazinedione (luminol) -1g
Agar Powder, 100 Mesh - 100g
Agar Powder, 100 Mesh - 100g

Non-nutrient agar powder is typically used in classrooms for microbiology experiments, such as studying slime molds, observing fungal growth, or culturing environmental samples. Since it lacks nutrients, it does not support the growth of most bacteria or fungi on its own, making it ideal for experiments where a nutrient source is added selectively to encourage the growth of specific organisms. It's often used to highlight the effects of environmental factors on microbial growth, demonstrate the role of external nutrient sources, or as a base for investigating other biological processes.

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$34.50 Each
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Tin Metal, lab grade, mossy - 100g
Tin Metal, lab grade, mossy - 100g

Tin Metal, lab grade, mossy - 100g.

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$18.95 Each $29.17 Each
Barometer Demonstration Model
Barometer Demonstration Model

Encased in a transparent acrylic case which allows full view of the movement. The action can be demonstrated with the help of a rubber bellow which increases the pressure when squeezed. Supplied complete with rubber bellow.

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$25.50 Each