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Schoolmasters Science
312 products
In 1963, Schoolmasters Science was founded to accommodate the growing focus on science is schools. We have been providing thousands of lab and classroom supplies to schools all across the country ever since.
Schoolmasters carries a large number of lab experiment and kits for all ages covering everything from biology to chemistry, as well as STEM subjects like robotics.

• Understand the remarkable reactions behind ordinary occurrences.
• Professional quality equipment helps you make the most of your chemistry experiments.
• This kit introduces you to the alcohol burner for experiments that require heat.
• The 128-page, full-color manual
• 250 experiments
• Provides clear instructions for preparing and performing the experiments and explains the results.
• Ages 11 and up.
Discover how fascinating the world is when you understand the remarkable reactions behind ordinary occurrences. CHEM C2000 includes everything in CHEM C1000 and more — with twice the tools and materials, and more than three times the experiments. Most notably, this kit introduces you to the alcohol burner for experiments that require heat, greatly expanding the number of experiments you can conduct. Experiment with filtering and separating mixtures, combustion, and electrochemical reactions. Learn how to work with indicators and stronger acids and bases. Explore elements and compounds, including the chemical and physical properties of water, carbon dioxide, oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon. Discover atoms and molecules. Inspect soaps and household cleaners. Experiment with various foods from the kitchen to learn about sugars, fats, and proteins. Investigate metals such as iron, copper, and aluminum. Learn about how chemistry is used in environmental protection and industry. After completing CHEM C2000, you will have experienced firsthand the most important topics in chemistry, creating an excellent foundation for later study of chemical equations and atomic structure. The 128-page, full-color manual guides aspiring young chemists through 250 experiments. The manual provides clear instructions for preparing and performing the experiments and explains the results. Thorough safety precautions and instructions ensure safe experimentation. Professional quality equipment helps you make the most of your chemistry experiments. Ages 11 and up.

• The ultimate chemistry kit
• Designed and manufactured in Germany for safe experimentation
• Over 333 experiments in 32 sections
• Start with fun experiments to learn basic chemistry principles
• 192-page, full-color experiment manual
• Hands-on approach to teaching chemistry
• An excellent preparation for highschool level chemistry.
• Ages 12 and up.
CHEM C3000 is the ultimate chemistry set. This kit includes all of the components from CHEM C2000, plus dozens of additional tools and chemicals, and 100 additional experiments, for a total of more than 333 experiments. The 192-page, full-color experiment manual is written at a more advanced level than the other CHEM kit manuals. You could call it a textbook, but the manual is too much fun to make that comparison. CHEM C3000 has a similar hands-on approach to teaching chemistry as our other CHEM kits, but also teaches more advanced topics such as chemical equations, atomic structures, and the periodic table. These concepts are critical to continued study of chemistry. CHEM C3000 is an excellent preparation for highschool level chemistry. Ages 12 and up.

Study of the chemical composition of toothpastes. Students evaluate several toothpastes for percent of solids, pH, foam formation, abrasive action, specific substances. They use this data to make judgments about their effectiveness. Materials for 12 pairs of students. Grades 7-12.

An economy model planetarium. Moon, Earth and Venus globes are rotated, revolved separately by hand. The twilight zone ring enables young students to better understand the nature of dawn and dusk. Underarm chain drive keeps the North Pole pointing to Polaris, the North Star. Durable, colorful plastic with brass and steel parts. Complete quality planetarium at a low price.

The Solar System as seen from earth. This model shows the five planets and moon as Ptolemy described them in his famous book, "The Almagest". It describes accurately all the naked eye phenomena of our Solar System. The fact that most of the motions described by this geocentric system are incorrect cannot detract from the fact that to the unaided human eye all these incorrectly described motions appear correct. The use of the Ptolemaic model together with the Copernican model improves student understanding of the motions of the heavenly bodies. 14" high x 20" long. With fully-illustrated instruction book.

Same as 16260, but does not include the Multimeters.
Same as 16260, but does not include the Multimeters.

The Intro Kit is ideal for introducing students to the concepts of changing force by levers and pulleys, and the notion of mechanical advantage. The manual describes experiments with three types of levers, single and double pulley systems, and shows the characteristics of each machine. Set includes: 1 lever with centimeter scale, 2 pulleys, 1 spring scale, 2 weight hangers, 1 slotted weight set, 1 base and support rod, 1 support rod with clamp, 2 hook collars, 1 pulley cord, 1 manual and disc.
The Intro Kit is ideal for introducing students to the concepts of changing force by levers and pulleys, and the notion of mechanical advantage. The manual describes experiments with three types of levers, single and double pulley systems, and shows the characteristics of each machine. Set includes: 1 lever with centimeter scale, 2 pulleys, 1 spring scale, 2 weight hangers, 1 slotted weight set, 1 base and support rod, 1 support rod with clamp, 2 hook collars, 1 pulley cord, 1 manual and disc.

1) Three types of Bacteria 2) Penicillium, W.M. 3) Aspergillus, W.M. 4) Rhizopus, W.M. 5) Actinomyces, W.M. 6) Chlamydomonas, W.M. 7) Diatoms, W.M. 8) Closterium, Sp W.M. 9) Spirogation, W.M. 10) Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. 11) Lichenrons Ox, Sec 12) Fern Leaf, Sec. 13) Fern Prothallium, W.M. 14) Leaf of Winter Jasmine 15) Eloden Stem, C.S. 16) Eloden Leaf, C.S. 17) Pine Leaf, C.S. 18) Pinus Male Strobile, L.S. 19) Pinus Female Strobile, L.S. 20) Rubber Leaf, C.S. 21) Corn Root Tip, L.S. 22) Vicia Faba Young Root, C.S. 23) Corn Stem, C.S. 24) Corn Stem, L.S. 25) Cucurbita Stem, C.S. 26) Cucurbita Stem, L.S. 27) Helianthus Stem, C.S. 28) Moss Antheridia, L.S. 29) Moss Archegonia, L.S. 30) Moss Protonemata, W.M. 31) Basswood Stem C.S. 32) Basswood Stem, L.S. 33) Pelargonium, L.S. 34) Vicia Dicot Leaf, W.M. 35) Pollen Germination, W.M. 36) Pollen, W.M. 37) Tomato Fruit, Sec 38) Cymbidium Aerial Root, C.S. 39) Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells 40) Corn Seed w/ Endosperm, L.S. 41) Plasmodesma Sec. 42) Lily Ovary,C.S. 43) Lily Anther, C.S. 44) Lily Leaf, C.S. 45) Capsella Old Embryo Sec. 46) Capsella Young Embryo Sec. 47) Allium Seale Epidermis, W.M. 48) Euglena, W.M. 49) Paramecium W.M. 50) Hydra, W.M. 51) Hydra, L.S. 52) Planaria, C.S. 53) Schistosoma Male, W.M. 54) Schistosoma Female, W.M. 55) Ascaris Egg, W.M. 56) Earthworm, W.M. 57) Snake Skin, W.M. 58) Daphni Sp, W.M. 59) Rotifer, W.M. 60) Mosquito Female Mouth Parts, W.M. 61) Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. 62) Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. 63) Butterfl y Mouth Parts, W.M. 64) House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. 65) Grasshopper Mouth Parts, W.M. 66) Ant, W.M. 67) Fish Scale, W.M. 68) Planaria, C.S. 69) Grasshopper Trachea, W.M. 70) Clam Gill, C.S. 71) Human Blood, Smear 72) Fish Blood, Smear 73) Ciliated Epithelium-Frog, W.M. 74) Simple Flat Epthelium-Toad, W.M. 75) Stratifi ed Flat Epithelium-Dog, W.M. 76) Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs 77) Small Intestine, C.S 78) Dense Bone, Sec. 79) Tendon-Dog, Sec. 80) Loose Connective Tissue, W.M 81) Skeletal Muscle L.S-Dog. , C.S. 82) Cardiac Muscle-Dog, Sec. 83) Spinal Cord, C.S. 84) Motor Neurous, C.S. 85) Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation-Frog, W.M. 86) Lungs-Dog, Sec. 87) Stomach-Dog or Rabbit, Sec. 88) Liver, Dog or Rabbit,Sec. 89) Lymph Node-Rabbit, Sec. 90) Lung With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 91) Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 92) Kidney-Rat, Sec. 93) Testis-Rabbit Sec. 94) Ovary-Cat, Sec. 95) Human Squamous Epithelium, Smear 96) DNA and RNA 97) Pancreas Gland, Rabbit Sec. 98) Frog Egg, Sec. 99) Human Chromosome (Male) 100)Human Chromosome (Female)
This advanced slide set offers 100 prepared slides generally used for AP Biology and College level courses. Each glass slide is 1" x 3" (25 x 76mm) depicting a clear and accurate specimen. Perpendicular slots with numerical indication and a listing of each slide is provided. This set is secured in a wooden box, with interior padding and metal latch to keep it closed. Measures: 8.75" x 7.5" x 1.25" (L x W x H). 1) Three types of Bacteria 2) Penicillium, W.M. 3) Aspergillus, W.M. 4) Rhizopus, W.M. 5) Actinomyces, W.M. 6) Chlamydomonas, W.M. 7) Diatoms, W.M. 8) Closterium, Sp W.M. 9) Spirogation, W.M. 10) Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. 11) Lichenrons Ox, Sec 12) Fern Leaf, Sec. 13) Fern Prothallium, W.M. 14) Leaf of Winter Jasmine 15) Eloden Stem, C.S. 16) Eloden Leaf, C.S. 17) Pine Leaf, C.S. 18) Pinus Male Strobile, L.S. 19) Pinus Female Strobile, L.S. 20) Rubber Leaf, C.S. 21) Corn Root Tip, L.S. 22) Vicia Faba Young Root, C.S. 23) Corn Stem, C.S. 24) Corn Stem, L.S. 25) Cucurbita Stem, C.S. 26) Cucurbita Stem, L.S. 27) Helianthus Stem, C.S. 28) Moss Antheridia, L.S. 29) Moss Archegonia, L.S. 30) Moss Protonemata, W.M. 31) Basswood Stem C.S. 32) Basswood Stem, L.S. 33) Pelargonium, L.S. 34) Vicia Dicot Leaf, W.M. 35) Pollen Germination, W.M. 36) Pollen, W.M. 37) Tomato Fruit, Sec 38) Cymbidium Aerial Root, C.S. 39) Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells 40) Corn Seed w/ Endosperm, L.S. 41) Plasmodesma Sec. 42) Lily Ovary,C.S. 43) Lily Anther, C.S. 44) Lily Leaf, C.S. 45) Capsella Old Embryo Sec. 46) Capsella Young Embryo Sec. 47) Allium Seale Epidermis, W.M. 48) Euglena, W.M. 49) Paramecium W.M. 50) Hydra, W.M. 51) Hydra, L.S. 52) Planaria, C.S. 53) Schistosoma Male, W.M. 54) Schistosoma Female, W.M. 55) Ascaris Egg, W.M. 56) Earthworm, W.M. 57) Snake Skin, W.M. 58) Daphni Sp, W.M. 59) Rotifer, W.M. 60) Mosquito Female Mouth Parts, W.M. 61) Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. 62) Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. 63) Butterfl y Mouth Parts, W.M. 64) House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. 65) Grasshopper Mouth Parts, W.M. 66) Ant, W.M. 67) Fish Scale, W.M. 68) Planaria, C.S. 69) Grasshopper Trachea, W.M. 70) Clam Gill, C.S. 71) Human Blood, Smear 72) Fish Blood, Smear 73) Ciliated Epithelium-Frog, W.M. 74) Simple Flat Epthelium-Toad, W.M. 75) Stratifi ed Flat Epithelium-Dog, W.M. 76) Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs 77) Small Intestine, C.S 78) Dense Bone, Sec. 79) Tendon-Dog, Sec. 80) Loose Connective Tissue, W.M 81) Skeletal Muscle L.S-Dog. , C.S. 82) Cardiac Muscle-Dog, Sec. 83) Spinal Cord, C.S. 84) Motor Neurous, C.S. 85) Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation-Frog, W.M. 86) Lungs-Dog, Sec. 87) Stomach-Dog or Rabbit, Sec. 88) Liver, Dog or Rabbit,Sec. 89) Lymph Node-Rabbit, Sec. 90) Lung With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 91) Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 92) Kidney-Rat, Sec. 93) Testis-Rabbit Sec. 94) Ovary-Cat, Sec. 95) Human Squamous Epithelium, Smear 96) DNA and RNA 97) Pancreas Gland, Rabbit Sec. 98) Frog Egg, Sec. 99) Human Chromosome (Male) 100)Human Chromosome (Female)

• Eyepieces - Locked-on 10x wide-field eyepiece with pointer
• Focus - Separate coarse and fine
• Objectives - 4X, 10X, 40XR
• Magnification - 40X, 100X, 400XR
• Illumination - Lock-in, 20 watt tungsten
• 0.65 N.A. condenser
• Head - Monocular 45º inclined head with 360º rotation
• Revolving nosepiece with positive click stops
• Color-coded DIN 4x, 10x, 40xR objectives
• 3.5" round movable stage with spring loaded stage clips
• Rack and pinion focusing with slip clutch and adjustable rack stop to prevent slide damage
• Rugged cast metal construction with inclination joint for adjustable viewing
• Complete with dust cover and instruction manual
Durable instrument design with students in mind. Cast metal construction built to be strong. A monocular microscope that meets the standard teaching requirements for both elementary and junior high school students. Economically priced for the budget-conscious user. Suitable for grades 4 to 8. Locked-on 10x wide-field eyepiece with pointer. Separate coarse and fine focus. 4X, 10X, 40XR Objectives. Magnification - 40X, 100X, 400XR magnification. Lock-in, 20 watt tungsten Illumination. 0.65 N.A. condenser. Monocular 45º inclined head with 360º rotation. Revolving nosepiece with positive click stops. Color-coded DIN 4x, 10x, 40xR objectives. 3.5" round movable stage with spring loaded stage clips. Rack and pinion focusing with slip clutch and adjustable rack stop to prevent slide damage. Rugged cast metal construction with inclination joint for adjustable viewing. Complete with dust cover and instruction manual.

• Eyepieces - Locked-on 10x wide-field eyepiece with pointer
• Focus - Separate coarse and fine
• Objectives - 4X, 10X, 40XR
• Magnification - 40X, 100X, 400XR
• Illumination - Mirror
• 0.65 N.A. condenser
• Head - Monocular 45º inclined head with 360º rotation
• Revolving nosepiece with positive click stops
• Color-coded DIN 4x, 10x, 40xR objectives
• 3.5" round movable stage with spring loaded stage clips
• Rack and pinion focusing with slip clutch and adjustable rack stop to prevent slide damage
• Rugged cast metal construction with inclination joint for adjustable viewing
• Complete with dust cover and instruction manual
Durable instrument design with students in mind. Cast metal construction built to be strong. A monocular microscope that meets the standard teaching requirements for both elementary and junior high school students. Economically priced for the budget-conscious user. Suitable for grades 4 to 8. Locked-on 10x wide-field eyepiece with pointer. Separate coarse and fine focus. 4X, 10X, 40XR Objectives. Magnification - 40X, 100X, 400XR magnification. Mirror Illumination. 0.65 N.A. condenser. Monocular 45º inclined head with 360º rotation. Revolving nosepiece with positive click stops. Color-coded DIN 4x, 10x, 40xR objectives. 3.5" round movable stage with spring loaded stage clips. Rack and pinion focusing with slip clutch and adjustable rack stop to prevent slide damage. Rugged cast metal construction with inclination joint for adjustable viewing. Complete with dust cover and instruction manual.

• Eyepieces - 10X WF Pointer
• Focus - Coaxial Separate Coarse and Fine
• Objectives - 4X, 10X, 40XR
• Magnification - 40X, 100X, 400X
• Head - Dual 45 degrees Stage - Standard Stage 0.065 Condenser and Disc Diaphragm
• LED illumination w/ power cord
Sturdy, well-balanced, aluminum die casted and rubber-footed stand. Locked in wide angle WF 10X eyepieces with built-in calibrated pointer, provides actual measurements of specimens rather than relative sizes. Standard - 4.5 x 4.75" (115 X 120mm) plain stage with locked on stage clips and 5 hole disc diaphragm. Built in illumination system in base with off-on switch and three-wire grounded power. Comes complete with dust cover and instructions. Size 14.5 inches high.

Den-Test is a science experiment which allows students to cultivate bacterial growth from their own teeth. See the difference in bacteria growth development from the "before brushing" and "after brushing" samples. Used also to illustrate bacterial growth on dirty hands, desk tops, money, etc. Includes 24 sterile petri dishes, 48 sterile swabs, 2 bottles agar gel and instruction manual. Grades 5-10.
Den-Test is a science experiment which allows students to cultivate bacterial growth from their own teeth. See the difference in bacteria growth development from the "before brushing" and "after brushing" samples. Used also to illustrate bacterial growth on dirty hands, desk tops, money, etc. Includes 24 sterile petri dishes, 48 sterile swabs, 2 bottles agar gel and instruction manual. Grades 5-10.

The lyophilized cultures in this kit are ready to use when you need them. Just add water. Performs same tests as 02429 kit (above). Grades 9-12.
The lyophilized cultures in this kit are ready to use when you need them. Just add water. Performs same tests as 02429 kit (above). Grades 9-12.

Shows over 100 intricate body structures. Outside shows superficial musculature, rib-casing, etc. Torso opens to expose respiratory, circulatory, digestive, nervous, and urinary systems. Lungs, heart, stomach, liver, and intestines are removable. Stands on a base or can be laid flat. 56 pg. lesson plan included with student observations and data sheets. 28" x 12".

Six times life-size with five detachable parts including the upper hemisphere, the iris/cornea unit, the Lucite Lens that magnifies and inverts images, the transparent vitreous body, and the retina. The eyeball disassembles and reassembles with ease, so students can effectively learn through hands-on activity. A 2-page study guide highlighting its 19 principal features is included. Overall dimensions: 6x6x6 inches (15x15x15 cm) overall.

Without sacrificing size or key detail this three-part replica exposes the entire length of the ear canal and Eustachian tube so that the sound waves entering the ear can be easily traced and to demonstrate how air pressure on both sides of the eardrum is equalized. The hammer, anvil, transparent ear drum, and the labyrinth all lift out for hands-on study. 18 hand-numbered anatomical features are explained in-depth in the accompanying study guide.

Removable breast cover reveals 14 dissectible parts (cover included): torso, breast plate, lung (4 parts), heart, trachea and esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen, intestines, bladder and prostate. Mounted on a stand. Includes a key-card with 71 structures labeled. 18 1/8" tall.
Removable breast cover reveals 14 dissectible parts (cover included): torso, breast plate, lung (4 parts), heart, trachea and esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen, intestines, bladder and prostate. Mounted on a stand. Includes a key-card with 71 structures labeled. 18 1/8" tall.

Developed by the same teacher who created our DNA Manipulatives kit, this package includes colorful, large DNA, mRNA, ribosome, tRNA and amino acid models that attach to the blackboard. Teachers use these models to simulate the protein synthesis process, and students are provided with smaller size models for hands-on learning about the process and key concepts. As part of the activities, each student is given a unique DNA sequence and is asked to identify the resulting amino acid sequence. Kit also includes an instructional CD. Adequate for a class size of 40 students with students working in groups of two.
Developed by the same teacher who created our DNA Manipulatives kit, this package includes colorful, large DNA, mRNA, ribosome, tRNA and amino acid models that attach to the blackboard. Teachers use these models to simulate the protein synthesis process, and students are provided with smaller size models for hands-on learning about the process and key concepts. As part of the activities, each student is given a unique DNA sequence and is asked to identify the resulting amino acid sequence. Kit also includes an instructional CD. Adequate for a class size of 40 students with students working in groups of two.

Capacity: 610 Grams. Sensitivity: 0.1 Grams. Calibrations: Front Beam - 10g x 0.1g, Center. Beam - 500g x 100g, Rear Beam - 100g x 10g
Capacity: 610 Grams. Sensitivity: 0.1 Grams. Calibrations: Front Beam - 10g x 0.1g, Center. Beam - 500g x 100g, Rear Beam - 100g x 10g

In this step-by-step classroom project students examine and identify individual rock specimens. As each rock specimen is examined and identified, students progress toward the completion of their own rock reference charts. The Teacher's reference chart uses illustrations and actual specimens for students to consult as they identify unlabeled rock specimens. For grades 6-12.

The Edinburgh II 16" Blue Ocean Raised Relief Floor Standing World Globe sports clean, sophisticated lines, a gyro-matic full swing meridian which allows you to fully view the soft blue oceans and brightly colored landmasses. Comes with additional hardware that will allow you to change it from a floor standing globe, to a desktop globe! Standing a total of 38" tall, this beautiful world globe boasts a rich walnut finished pedestal and matching base. The sphere features both political boundaries and raised relief, providing the mapping details you have been looking for in a world globe at the price you want.

Series of eight plastic raised relief models. Relates typical surface formations to subsurface structures that are shown as graphic cross sections on each model. Helps students to better understand the development of the landscape and the factor and force influencing the development. Geologic features are numbered and keyed to a comprehensive study guide. When combined, the 8 individual models form a continuous 8-foot long graphic landscape and landform reference. Each model is 12" x 15", printed in full color on durable plastic, thermo-formed and reinforced with rigid foam.

This 3-D model, 24"W x 18"H, depicts the substructures of all types of rock formations and incorporates hands-on activities as students match the rock specimens to the substructure. Graphic representation of the rock beds and real rock samples. Includes comprehensive Teacher's Guide which contains lab activities, color overhead transparency, blackline reproduction master, and 20 rock and sediment specimens. Transparent model cover and marking pen also included. Grades 5-12.
This 3-D model, 24"W x 18"H, depicts the substructures of all types of rock formations and incorporates hands-on activities as students match the rock specimens to the substructure. Graphic representation of the rock beds and real rock samples. Includes comprehensive Teacher's Guide which contains lab activities, color overhead transparency, blackline reproduction master, and 20 rock and sediment specimens. Transparent model cover and marking pen also included. Grades 5-12.

This hands-on project enables students to examine and identify individual rock specimens as a study unit in earth science. Each classroom activity project includes: one wood framed reference chart, complete with mounted specimens, 30 student charts (reproductions of the reference chart on heavy card stock), 30 specimens of each rock represented to be studied and glued on each chart during the activity, one test kit, and the Scott Resources' Rocks and Minerals Study Guide. The evidence supporting the theory of Plate Tectonics is shown on this chart. Rock specimens that illustrate the variety of processes related to the Earth's dynamic crust are mounted on this 18" X 24" chart. Grades: 4 - 12.
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