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3-D Fossil Reproductions - 10 Sets
3-D Fossil Reproductions - 10 Sets

Fascinate your students with the study of fossils. Kit contains 10 sets of 21 plastic reproduction fossils that students can measure, identify, and classify according to geologic era using the included fossil key. Grades 6-12.

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$80.00 Each
3-D Fossil Reproductions - 5 Sets3-D Fossil Reproductions - 5 Sets
3-D Fossil Reproductions - 5 Sets

Fascinate your students with the study of fossils. Kit contains 5 sets of 21 plastic reproduction fossils that students can measure, identify, and classify according to geologic era using the included fossil key. Grades 6-12.

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$34.95 Each
3-D Fossil Reproductions Lab
3-D Fossil Reproductions Lab

The 21 plastic fossils and detailed Laboratory Manual in this kit will let your students become practicing paleontologists. Kit conveys importance of fossil study to investigations in geology, history, mapping, and stratigraphic correlation. Grades 7-12.

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$15.00 Each
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Additional Student Charts and Mineral Samples for 12044
Additional Student Charts and Mineral Samples for 12044

Set of 10 additional student charts and mineral samples for use with the What Mineral Is It? classroom project (Item # 12044).

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$26.95 Set $41.95 Set
Air Pollution Test Kit
Air Pollution Test Kit

Learn concepts of air pollution and its harmful effects using one form of a common air pollutant, sulfur dioxide on experiments with plant life. This kit provides instruction, apparatus and materials to experiment with plant seedlings exposed to a sulfur dioxide atmosphere at a known concentration which produces an effect on plant life that can easily be observed within several days.

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$99.00 Each
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Alkalinity Testing Kit
Alkalinity Testing Kit

This parameter is important in determination of the corrosive properties of water, caused by carbonates, bicarbonates as well as dissolved salts. Testing alkalinity is important in the treatment of drinking water, waste water, swimming pools, heating and cooling systems, food and beverage systems, and soil and environmental testing, as well as in agriculture, farming and fish farming. Includes 110 tests.

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$35.60 Each $44.50 Each
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All About Rocks & Minerals (DVD)
All About Rocks & Minerals (DVD)

Minerals are an important part of everything around us -- from the pencils we write with to the airplanes in the sky. Even the earth beneath our feet is packed solid with these essential building blocks. In All About Rocks and Minerals, children will discover the characteristics of minerals and see how different minerals make up different kinds of rocks: igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic. A visit to a lapidary shop examines some beautiful gemstones, while a fun, hands-on investigation demonstrates how solid crystals can be made from a liquid. Part of the Earth Science for Children DVD Series. A teacher's guide is available online. 23 minutes. Grades K to 4.

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$26.95 Each $29.95 Each
Book Plus Water Cycle Model
Book Plus Water Cycle Model

The Earth Science Book Plus Series provides colorful teaching models and reproducible activity cards that teach children about earth science. The models are made of resilient, non-toxic, EVA foam, with removable pieces that stimulate problem-solving skills and develop small motor skills. The book covers contain background information, activities and extension ideas. Teachers can cut out the task card and use it in a learning center or as a group activity. The models are 10" x 14.5" x 3/4" thick.The Water Cycle model illustrates precipitation, evaporation, condensation and runoff. It shows that water is constantly reused and recycled and also illustrates how clouds are formed. Available in French. Grades K 6.

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$20.95 Each
Classification of Minerals
Classification of Minerals

This collection includes examples of silicates, oxides, sulfates, phosphates and other major mineral groups as classified in Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy. 50 specimens approximately 1" x 1", number-coded in compartmented tray. Grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.
This collection includes examples of silicates, oxides, sulfates, phosphates and other major mineral groups as classified in Dana's Textbook of Mineralogy. 50 specimens approximately 1" x 1", number-coded in compartmented tray. Grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.

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$81.95 Each
Coriolis Effect Kit
Coriolis Effect Kit

Used to simulate effect of earth's rotation on winds, ocean currents or unattached objects such as rockets. As sphere is launched across surface of base, when it is static, sphere traces a straight line. As turntable is put in motion, centrifugal force launches the sphere which, though traveling in a straight line, leaves a curved trace on rotating surface. Size of curve is in direct ratio to speed of rotation. Each kit includes one 14" diam. base (with outer retaining trough) mounted on a turntable, and featuring a reusable "magic slate" type erasable trace recording surface, removable launcher, 5/8" diameter steel spheres.

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$34.95 Each
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Deposition Observation Water Tank Kit
Deposition Observation Water Tank Kit

Watch how solids settle in layers at the bottom of a tank. Includes: Acrylics tank, slope, open tube, plastic drain tube and sprinkler head for plastic bottle. Dimensions: Tank - 11.8" x 2.8" x 5.9", Slope - 11.2" x 2.5" x 0.79", Open tube - 13" x 2.5" x 3.1", Plastic drain tube - 3.9"

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$50 Each $82.95 Each
Expanded Rock Collection
Expanded Rock Collection

45 specimens, approximately 1.5" x 1.5", includes 15 each of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Each category of rock is well represented and forms an integrated classroom study unit. Grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.

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$66.00 Each
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Fossil Fuels (DVD)
Fossil Fuels (DVD)

Fossil fuels were formed millions of years ago as part of a natural process in which the remains of dead plants and animals were buried and placed under extreme pressure and heat. Coal, oil and natural gas are the most important fossil fuels. But what are they used for, how do we find them and what can we do to preserve our limited supplies? Students will find the answers to these questions and more in Fossil Fuels as they explore these nonrenewable resources of Earth. A fun, hands-on investigation demonstrates a creative alternative to using fossil fuels in the creation of plastic and a visit to an oil platform showcases how this valuable fossil fuel is pumped up from the bottom of the ocean. Part of the Earth Science in Action DVD Series. A Teacher's Guide is included and available online. 23 minutes. Grades 5 to 8.

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$35.95 Each $39.95 Each
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Fossils (DVD)
Fossils (DVD)

Fossils are historic blueprints -- remnants of plant and animal life that preceded us. In Fossils, students will examine molds, casts and imprints of various living things, and discover how scientists place the age of these ancient remains and the methods they use to preserve them for future generations. Find out how paleontologists discover fossils and what these discoveries tell us about the past. Take a trip to the Petrified Forest, and examine tree trunks that were turned to stone millions of years ago. A fun, hands-on investigation demonstrates for students how they can create four different simulated environments in order to test each for its ability to preserve remains. Part of the Earth Science in Action DVD Series. A Teacher's Guide is included and available online. 23 minutes. Grades 5 to 8.

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$35.95 Each $39.95 Each
Gem Minerals Collection
Gem Minerals Collection

The specimens in this collection represent minerals rare and beautiful enough to be prized as gemstones. Included are specimens of study grade beryl, topaz, rose quartz, turquoise, olivine, corundum, garnet, tourmaline and more. 15 specimens approximately 1" x 1" in a compartmented tray. Grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.

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$35.65 Each
Geographic Table Globe
Geographic Table Globe

Nothing says classic more than the Atlantis 12" blue ocean raised relief desktop world globe. There truly is no representation of the Earth that is more beautiful and dynamically accurate! Features true to life mapping with coloring that illustrates the mountains, deserts, forests and grasslands. Brightly colored blue oceans show undersea physical features. 17" tall with a bronze finished metal base and matching full swing, numbered Gyro-matic meridian, allowing you the most unobstructed view of the world.
Nothing says classic more than the Atlantis 12" blue ocean raised relief desktop world globe. There truly is no representation of the Earth that is more beautiful and dynamically accurate! Features true to life mapping with coloring that illustrates the mountains, deserts, forests and grasslands. Brightly colored blue oceans show undersea physical features. 17" tall with a bronze finished metal base and matching full swing, numbered Gyro-matic meridian, allowing you the most unobstructed view of the world.

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$99.95 Each
Geology Models
Geology Models

Series of eight plastic raised relief models. Relates typical surface formations to subsurface structures that are shown as graphic cross sections on each model. Helps students to better understand the development of the landscape and the factor and force influencing the development. Geologic features are numbered and keyed to a comprehensive study guide. When combined, the 8 individual models form a continuous 8-foot long graphic landscape and landform reference. Each model is 12" x 15", printed in full color on durable plastic, thermo-formed and reinforced with rigid foam.

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$325.00 Each
Golden Nature Guide - Fossils
Golden Nature Guide - Fossils

This concise introduction to the life of the past as revealed through fossils, is an invaluable and enjoyable guide which includes:
• Descriptions of the typical plants and animals of major geological eras
• Maps showing where fossils can be found
• The history of the development of life on earth
• Full-color illustrations

Life of the past as revealed through fossils. 481 illustrations.

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$5.95 Each
How Soils are Formed Collection
How Soils are Formed Collection

Included in this collection are rocks and minerals that break down to become the major components for soils. Samples of actual soils demonstrating texture and composition as end products are included. 15 specimens, 1" x 1/2", number-coded in a compartmented container. Soils packaged in plastic bags. Grades 5-12. Ages 10-18.
Included in this collection are rocks and minerals that break down to become the major components for soils. Samples of actual soils demonstrating texture and composition as end products are included. 15 specimens, 1" x 1/2", number-coded in a compartmented container. Soils packaged in plastic bags. Grades 5-12. Ages 10-18.

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$33.25 Each
Igneous Rock Bag
Igneous Rock Bag

An economy collection of 6 commonly known igneous rocks. Igneous rocks are formed by the cooling of molten rock, either magma or lava. Each generous specimen is 1 1/4" to 1 1/5" and is contained in a resealable zip lock bag with a label. Grades 5-12. Ages 10-18.

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$5.50 Each
Igneous Rock Collection
Igneous Rock Collection

Contains 15 representative specimens of intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks, each approximately 1.5" x 1.5". Grades 5-12. Ages 10-18.

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$23.00 Set
Intro to Fossils Poster
Intro to Fossils Poster

36" x 24" full color laminated poster.

Fossils were a mystery for thousands of years; then a few pioneering scientists realized that they were the remains or traces of once-living organisms.
Well-known bone-type fossils are actually rocks, the result of a process called mineralization in which minerals replace decaying tissue. This process is shown and explained. All of the other fossil types are also explored.

The rarity of fossils is dramatically presented, and strange things sometimes mistaken for fossils are identified. There’s an introduction to fossil expeditions and a summary of how fossils contribute to our understanding of the earth and life on it.
There is an especially helpful section on the relationships between fossils and geology. It covers the principle of original horizontality, the law of superimposition, the principle of faunal succession, the geological time scale, index fossils, relative dating, and absolute dating.

All of this is conveyed through detailed illustrations showing the processes, excellent photographs of representative specimens, and interesting and informative captions. This poster is a great aid to museum interpretive programs and is extremely beneficial in the study of both life and earth sciences.

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$12.95 Each
Intro to Rocks Poster
Intro to Rocks Poster

36" x 24" full color laminated poster.
This is an outstanding rock identification chart! The introduction explains that each type of rock is the result of a specific mixture of minerals subjected to a clearly defined geological process. It shows and describes the most common rock-forming minerals and variations that occur within rock types.
The bulk of the poster is divided into three sections, one for each rock type: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. An illustration shows how they are made, and a photograph shows a natural formation. A dozen other photographs show representative specimens. Each is accompanied by an informative caption citing identifying characteristics and common variations.
A bonus section shows and explains some of the more specialized and popular rock forms, such as geodes, concretions, agates, and meteorites.
This is a great poster for earth science classes. Rock collectors find it invaluable for quick reference.

36" x 24" full color laminated poster. This is an outstanding rock identification chart! The introduction explains that each type of rock is the result of a specific mixture of minerals subjected to a clearly defined geological process. It shows and describes the most common rock-forming minerals and variations that occur within rock types. The bulk of the poster is divided into three sections, one for each rock type: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. An illustration shows how they are made, and a photograph shows a natural formation. A dozen other photographs show representative specimens. Each is accompanied by an informative caption citing identifying characteristics and common variations. A bonus section shows and explains some of the more specialized and popular rock forms, such as geodes, concretions, agates, and meteorites. This is a great poster for earth science classes. Rock collectors find it invaluable for quick reference.

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$12.95 Each
Introductory Rock Collection
Introductory Rock Collection

Provides a primary presentation of the basic rock types. Includes five each of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks, totaling 15 specimens, approximately 1.5" x 1.5". Grades 6-12. Ages 11-18.

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$21.50 Each