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Classification of Living Things (kit for 40 students)
Classification of Living Things (kit for 40 students)

Introduce your students to the Five Kingdoms through the process of classification. Students view illustrations of various life forms and use a simple, dichotomous key to determine the appropriate kingdom and phylum of each. In the process, they'll gather valuable summary information regarding what each life form "does for a living!" Grades 6-12.

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$79.95 Each
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Chick Life History Set
Chick Life History Set

Set includes 6 stages of development in separate jars. . .3 day, 4 day, 6 day, 12 day, 15 day and hatching stage.

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$19.95 Set $33.50 Set
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Frog Skeleton
Frog Skeleton

Vertebrate skeletal system (amphibian). Learn about the backbone and body structure of amphibians. Sealed in resin, making it easy to observe, handle, and store. 5.3" x 3.5" x 1.4". Weight: 500g.

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$42 Each $69.95 Each
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Snake Skeleton
Snake Skeleton

Learn about the backbone and body structure of reptiles. Sealed in resin, making it easy to observe, handle, and store. 5.3" x 3.5" x 0.9". Weight: 0.8 lbs.

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$63 Each $104.95 Each
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Sparrow Skeleton
Sparrow Skeleton

Vertebrate skeletal system (bird). Learn about the backbone and body structure of birds. Sealed in resin, making it easy to observe, handle, and store. 5.3" x 3.5" x 0.9". Weight: 0.8 lbs.

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$42 Each $68.95 Each
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Barn Owl DVD
Barn Owl DVD

The Barn Owl. An Introduction to Owl Pellet Labs. Describes the habitat and life-cycle of the Barn Owl. Computer animation is used to show the adaptations which allow the owl to find prey in darkness and process the prey into pellets. The final portion of this video is an overview of classroom techniques with owl pellets, including dissection and identification of prey and their skeletal parts. 15 minutes.

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$20 Each $84.50 Each
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How Scientists Do Science (kit for 40 students)
How Scientists Do Science (kit for 40 students)

Teach your students basic problem-solving skills! Challenge them to develop and test a hypothesis which determines the ideal environmental conditions for specially encapsulated sponge animals to emerge from their "cocoons". In the process, they learn the basics of how scientists design experiments, control variables, gather information, summarize and present data, and solve scientific problems. Grades 7-10

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$27 Each $36.95 Each