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Little Joe Torso Model
Little Joe Torso Model

Trophy-size male torso model shows musculature on one side and surface skin on the other. Dissectible into 7 parts: torso, lung (2 parts), heart, liver, stomach, intestine. Mounted on wood base. Includes key-card w/ 52 structures labeled. Size 10 1/8".
Trophy-size male torso model shows musculature on one side and surface skin on the other. Dissectible into 7 parts: torso, lung (2 parts), heart, liver, stomach, intestine. Mounted on wood base. Includes key-card w/ 52 structures labeled. Size 10 1/8".

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$67.00 Each
Dapper Dan Torso Model
Dapper Dan Torso Model

Removable breast cover reveals 14 dissectible parts (cover included): torso, breast plate, lung (4 parts), heart, trachea and esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen, intestines, bladder and prostate. Mounted on a stand. Includes a key-card with 71 structures labeled. 18 1/8" tall.
Removable breast cover reveals 14 dissectible parts (cover included): torso, breast plate, lung (4 parts), heart, trachea and esophagus, diaphragm, stomach, liver, pancreas and spleen, intestines, bladder and prostate. Mounted on a stand. Includes a key-card with 71 structures labeled. 18 1/8" tall.

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$119.00 Each