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100 Prepared Slide Kit-Variety Set100 Prepared Slide Kit-Variety Set
100 Prepared Slide Kit-Variety Set

1) Three types of Bacteria 2) Penicillium, W.M. 3) Aspergillus, W.M. 4) Rhizopus, W.M. 5) Actinomyces, W.M. 6) Chlamydomonas, W.M. 7) Diatoms, W.M. 8) Closterium, Sp W.M. 9) Spirogation, W.M. 10) Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. 11) Lichenrons Ox, Sec 12) Fern Leaf, Sec. 13) Fern Prothallium, W.M. 14) Leaf of Winter Jasmine 15) Eloden Stem, C.S. 16) Eloden Leaf, C.S. 17) Pine Leaf, C.S. 18) Pinus Male Strobile, L.S. 19) Pinus Female Strobile, L.S. 20) Rubber Leaf, C.S. 21) Corn Root Tip, L.S. 22) Vicia Faba Young Root, C.S. 23) Corn Stem, C.S. 24) Corn Stem, L.S. 25) Cucurbita Stem, C.S. 26) Cucurbita Stem, L.S. 27) Helianthus Stem, C.S. 28) Moss Antheridia, L.S. 29) Moss Archegonia, L.S. 30) Moss Protonemata, W.M. 31) Basswood Stem C.S. 32) Basswood Stem, L.S. 33) Pelargonium, L.S. 34) Vicia Dicot Leaf, W.M. 35) Pollen Germination, W.M. 36) Pollen, W.M. 37) Tomato Fruit, Sec 38) Cymbidium Aerial Root, C.S. 39) Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells 40) Corn Seed w/ Endosperm, L.S. 41) Plasmodesma Sec. 42) Lily Ovary,C.S. 43) Lily Anther, C.S. 44) Lily Leaf, C.S. 45) Capsella Old Embryo Sec. 46) Capsella Young Embryo Sec. 47) Allium Seale Epidermis, W.M. 48) Euglena, W.M. 49) Paramecium W.M. 50) Hydra, W.M. 51) Hydra, L.S. 52) Planaria, C.S. 53) Schistosoma Male, W.M. 54) Schistosoma Female, W.M. 55) Ascaris Egg, W.M. 56) Earthworm, W.M. 57) Snake Skin, W.M. 58) Daphni Sp, W.M. 59) Rotifer, W.M. 60) Mosquito Female Mouth Parts, W.M. 61) Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. 62) Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. 63) Butterfl y Mouth Parts, W.M. 64) House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. 65) Grasshopper Mouth Parts, W.M. 66) Ant, W.M. 67) Fish Scale, W.M. 68) Planaria, C.S. 69) Grasshopper Trachea, W.M. 70) Clam Gill, C.S. 71) Human Blood, Smear 72) Fish Blood, Smear 73) Ciliated Epithelium-Frog, W.M. 74) Simple Flat Epthelium-Toad, W.M. 75) Stratifi ed Flat Epithelium-Dog, W.M. 76) Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs 77) Small Intestine, C.S 78) Dense Bone, Sec. 79) Tendon-Dog, Sec. 80) Loose Connective Tissue, W.M 81) Skeletal Muscle L.S-Dog. , C.S. 82) Cardiac Muscle-Dog, Sec. 83) Spinal Cord, C.S. 84) Motor Neurous, C.S. 85) Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation-Frog, W.M. 86) Lungs-Dog, Sec. 87) Stomach-Dog or Rabbit, Sec. 88) Liver, Dog or Rabbit,Sec. 89) Lymph Node-Rabbit, Sec. 90) Lung With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 91) Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 92) Kidney-Rat, Sec. 93) Testis-Rabbit Sec. 94) Ovary-Cat, Sec. 95) Human Squamous Epithelium, Smear 96) DNA and RNA 97) Pancreas Gland, Rabbit Sec. 98) Frog Egg, Sec. 99) Human Chromosome (Male) 100)Human Chromosome (Female)
This advanced slide set offers 100 prepared slides generally used for AP Biology and College level courses. Each glass slide is 1" x 3" (25 x 76mm) depicting a clear and accurate specimen. Perpendicular slots with numerical indication and a listing of each slide is provided. This set is secured in a wooden box, with interior padding and metal latch to keep it closed. Measures: 8.75" x 7.5" x 1.25" (L x W x H). 1) Three types of Bacteria 2) Penicillium, W.M. 3) Aspergillus, W.M. 4) Rhizopus, W.M. 5) Actinomyces, W.M. 6) Chlamydomonas, W.M. 7) Diatoms, W.M. 8) Closterium, Sp W.M. 9) Spirogation, W.M. 10) Spirogyra Conjugation, W.M. 11) Lichenrons Ox, Sec 12) Fern Leaf, Sec. 13) Fern Prothallium, W.M. 14) Leaf of Winter Jasmine 15) Eloden Stem, C.S. 16) Eloden Leaf, C.S. 17) Pine Leaf, C.S. 18) Pinus Male Strobile, L.S. 19) Pinus Female Strobile, L.S. 20) Rubber Leaf, C.S. 21) Corn Root Tip, L.S. 22) Vicia Faba Young Root, C.S. 23) Corn Stem, C.S. 24) Corn Stem, L.S. 25) Cucurbita Stem, C.S. 26) Cucurbita Stem, L.S. 27) Helianthus Stem, C.S. 28) Moss Antheridia, L.S. 29) Moss Archegonia, L.S. 30) Moss Protonemata, W.M. 31) Basswood Stem C.S. 32) Basswood Stem, L.S. 33) Pelargonium, L.S. 34) Vicia Dicot Leaf, W.M. 35) Pollen Germination, W.M. 36) Pollen, W.M. 37) Tomato Fruit, Sec 38) Cymbidium Aerial Root, C.S. 39) Mitosis Onion Root Tip Cells 40) Corn Seed w/ Endosperm, L.S. 41) Plasmodesma Sec. 42) Lily Ovary,C.S. 43) Lily Anther, C.S. 44) Lily Leaf, C.S. 45) Capsella Old Embryo Sec. 46) Capsella Young Embryo Sec. 47) Allium Seale Epidermis, W.M. 48) Euglena, W.M. 49) Paramecium W.M. 50) Hydra, W.M. 51) Hydra, L.S. 52) Planaria, C.S. 53) Schistosoma Male, W.M. 54) Schistosoma Female, W.M. 55) Ascaris Egg, W.M. 56) Earthworm, W.M. 57) Snake Skin, W.M. 58) Daphni Sp, W.M. 59) Rotifer, W.M. 60) Mosquito Female Mouth Parts, W.M. 61) Honey Bee Mouth Parts, W.M. 62) Honey Bee Hind Leg, W.M. 63) Butterfl y Mouth Parts, W.M. 64) House Fly Mouth Parts, W.M. 65) Grasshopper Mouth Parts, W.M. 66) Ant, W.M. 67) Fish Scale, W.M. 68) Planaria, C.S. 69) Grasshopper Trachea, W.M. 70) Clam Gill, C.S. 71) Human Blood, Smear 72) Fish Blood, Smear 73) Ciliated Epithelium-Frog, W.M. 74) Simple Flat Epthelium-Toad, W.M. 75) Stratifi ed Flat Epithelium-Dog, W.M. 76) Mitosis Horse Ascaris Eggs 77) Small Intestine, C.S 78) Dense Bone, Sec. 79) Tendon-Dog, Sec. 80) Loose Connective Tissue, W.M 81) Skeletal Muscle L.S-Dog. , C.S. 82) Cardiac Muscle-Dog, Sec. 83) Spinal Cord, C.S. 84) Motor Neurous, C.S. 85) Smooth Muscle Teased Preparation-Frog, W.M. 86) Lungs-Dog, Sec. 87) Stomach-Dog or Rabbit, Sec. 88) Liver, Dog or Rabbit,Sec. 89) Lymph Node-Rabbit, Sec. 90) Lung With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 91) Kidney With Blood Vessels Injected-Rat, Sec. 92) Kidney-Rat, Sec. 93) Testis-Rabbit Sec. 94) Ovary-Cat, Sec. 95) Human Squamous Epithelium, Smear 96) DNA and RNA 97) Pancreas Gland, Rabbit Sec. 98) Frog Egg, Sec. 99) Human Chromosome (Male) 100)Human Chromosome (Female)

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$130.00 Set